Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Television On Childhood Obesity - 1337 Words

The Effects of Television on Childhood Obesity Essay It is evident that the rate of obesity is steadily increasing in North America and has reached an all-time high (Novonty 2015). This is due to the lack of physical activity, increased consumption level of unhealthy foods, and the prominent amount of exposure to media such as Television (TV). Although TV has not been proven to be a direct cause for obesity, it does however contribute to the development of children and adolescence obesity due to TV s effect on sleeping patterns, target advertisements and reduced rate of physical activity. Children of all ages appear to be getting less sleep than needed to function optimally during the day (Gruber, 2016). Sleep plays a crucial role in one’s health and wellbeing and without it your mental health, physical health, and quality of life would slowly deteriorate. More specifically, sleep plays an impactful role in the development of growing children. The average child watches approximately 32 hours of TV per week (Boyse, 2010), this in turn affects the number of hours of sleep children need for proper development; ultimately, making children more susceptible to obesity because the lack of sleep is proven to be linked to an increase risk of obesity (School of Public Health, 2016). TV also affects children s sleeping patterns due to various blue light that TV emits. Blue light can disrupt circadian rhythms in children (Mastin, 2013). The human body is regulated by this circadianShow MoreRelatedVideo Mediums and Childhood Obesity971 Words   |  4 PagesVideo Mediums an d Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity has now reached a critical level. The main reason for the growing number of obese children is inactivity. With obesity in children being related to many health issues, it is important that we not only stop the rise in childhood obesity, but reverse it. 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